How much does a hurricane defender screen cost?

The cost of hurricane screens can vary widely based on factors like size, technology incorporated, installation costs, and specifics of your home.

For an accurate price, submit a request and we can provide you with a quote based on your specific needs and requirements.

Are hurricane screens worth it?

Hurricane screens are designed to provide an added layer of protection against the force and debris of hurricane winds. Whether they are "worth it" depends on several factors, including the potential risk of hurricanes in your area, the value of the assets you're protecting, and your personal risk tolerance. Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Pros of Hurricane Screens:

  1. Protection Against Debris: One of the major causes of hurricane damage is flying debris. Screens can prevent these objects from shattering windows and causing further interior damage.
  2. UV and Insect Protection: Many hurricane screens also provide protection against harmful UV rays and insects.
  3. Energy Efficiency: By blocking out the sun, they can potentially reduce cooling costs.
  4. Insurance Premiums: Some insurance companies may offer discounts on homeowners' insurance premiums if protective measures, such as hurricane screens, are installed.
  5. Ease of Use: Compared to heavy hurricane shutters, screens can be more user-friendly, especially if they are automated.
  6. Aesthetics: They can be less obtrusive than traditional metal shutters or plywood.

Cons of Hurricane Screens:

  1. Initial Cost: The upfront cost of purchasing and installing hurricane screens can be significant.
  2. Maintenance: Depending on the type and brand, screens may require regular maintenance to ensure they operate effectively.
  3. Not Full-Proof: While they offer substantial protection, no system can guarantee complete protection against the full force of a major hurricane.


  1. Geographical Location: If you live in a hurricane-prone area, investing in protection is generally more justifiable.
  2. Value of Assets: If your home contains valuable assets, including the value of the home itself, protective measures like hurricane screens may be a worthy investment.
  3. Peace of Mind: For many, knowing that they've taken measures to protect their home and loved ones provides invaluable peace of mind.

While hurricane screens can be a significant investment, they can provide considerable protection and other benefits for homes in hurricane-prone regions. It's essential to weigh the potential benefits against the costs and to consider your personal situation and risk factors when deciding.

Are there hurricane proof screens?

The term "hurricane-proof" can be somewhat misleading. No product can guarantee absolute protection against the full force of a major hurricane, especially considering the variability and unpredictability of these storms. However, there are "hurricane-resistant" or "hurricane-rated" screens designed to provide a high level of protection against the impacts of hurricanes.

Hurricane-resistant or hurricane-rated screens have the following features:

  • Debris Impact Resistance: They can withstand the impact of flying debris, which is one of the major causes of damage during hurricanes. This resistance is tested using large and small missile impact tests, where projectiles are fired at the screens to simulate flying debris.
  • High Wind Resistance: These screens are designed to handle high wind pressures without tearing or coming loose.
  • Material Strength: They are typically made of strong and durable materials, like a blend of high-tenacity polyethylene or polyester yarns, often coated or encapsulated in PVC or other protective coatings.
  • Certifications: Reliable hurricane-resistant screens should meet specific industry standards and have certifications. For instance, they might comply with standards such as TAS 201, 203, ASTM E330, E1886 & E1996, and others, which specify the performance criteria for products used in hurricane-prone regions
  • Additional Benefits: Beyond hurricane protection, many of these screens offer other benefits such as UV protection, privacy, insect protection, and potential energy savings.

It's important to note that while hurricane-resistant screens provide an added layer of protection, other parts of a home's envelope (like doors, roof, and foundation) also play a critical role in the overall hurricane resistance of the structure.

If you're considering investing in hurricane screens, ensure that they have the appropriate certifications, and it might also be beneficial to consult with professionals familiar with local building codes and hurricane risks.

Are there hurricane proof screens?

Determining the "best" hurricane screen is subjective and can vary based on specific needs, budget, and regional requirements. However, several factors can help you evaluate and choose a quality hurricane screen:

  1. Certifications: Ensure the screen has met industry standards for hurricane resistance, such as TAS 201, 203, ASTM E330, E1886 & E1996, or other relevant certifications.
  2. Material: Look for screens made of high-tenacity polyethylene or polyester yarns with protective coatings, which provide both strength and longevity.
  3. Debris Impact Resistance: The screen should be able to withstand impacts from flying debris, a primary concern during hurricanes.
  4. Wind Resistance: It should remain intact and functional even under high wind pressures typical of strong hurricanes.
  5. Ease of Deployment: Consider how easily and quickly the screen can be deployed, especially if a storm is imminent. Automated or semi-automated systems can be beneficial in this regard.
  6. Additional Features: Some screens offer added benefits like UV protection, privacy, insect protection, and energy savings.
  7. Warranty: A good warranty can be an indicator of the manufacturer's confidence in the durability and longevity of their product.
  8. Customer Reviews: Look for products with positive customer reviews and testimonials. Previous users' experiences can provide valuable insights.
  9. Local Recommendations: Consult with local contractors or builders familiar with hurricane risks in your area. They might have specific recommendations based on the local climate and building codes.

Do hurricane screens keep water out?

Hurricane screens are primarily designed to protect against wind and flying debris during a hurricane. While they can offer some resistance to water penetration, they are not entirely waterproof. Here are some points to consider regarding hurricane screens and water:

  1. Water Repellency: Many hurricane screens are made of materials that repel water to some extent. This means that they can reduce the amount of rainwater that might otherwise enter through broken windows or other openings.
  2. Not Watertight: Even if a hurricane screen repels some water, it's not designed to create a watertight seal around windows or doors. During heavy rain, especially rain driven by hurricane-force winds, some water may still penetrate.
  3. Water Intrusion vs. Flooding: It's essential to differentiate between water intrusion due to wind-driven rain and flooding. Hurricane screens won't provide protection against rising floodwaters, which can be a significant concern during storm surges associated with hurricanes.
  4. Pressure Equalization: One advantage of hurricane screens is that they allow for pressure equalization. By allowing some airflow, they help reduce the difference in pressure between the inside and outside of a building. This pressure difference can lead to structural damage. This airflow also means they aren't watertight.
  5. Combined Approaches: If water intrusion is a significant concern, homeowners might consider a combined approach using both hurricane screens for wind and debris protection and other water barrier methods for rain.

While hurricane screens can reduce the amount of rainwater penetration during a storm, they are not designed to be fully waterproof. It's always advisable to prepare for potential water intrusion in other ways when expecting a hurricane.